Tag: hypothyroidism

The thyroid gland may be small, but it has a major influence on multiple processes in our body in both direct and indirect manner. The thyroid produces hormones that regulate metabolism, manage our weight, and so much more. Hormonal balance is vital for good health and wellbeing.  Bearing in ...


Getting enough sleep is a vital component of a healthy lifestyle, but it tends to be overlooked. Our body needs sleep to function properly. That explains why sleep-deprived persons are always tired, experience decreased productivity at work, and suffer many other consequences due to the lack of ...


Green tea is considered one of the healthiest beverages in the world. The amazing health benefits it provides make green tea a common ingredient in dietary supplements too. People drink the tea or use supplements that contain it for a wide range of reasons. Some people drink tea to support ...


Thyroid problems induce a number of symptoms that depend on whether the gland is overactive or underactive. Persons who struggle with dysfunctions affecting the butterfly-shaped gland can gain weight or lose it, see their cholesterol levels increase, notice their skin is somewhat dry, experience ...


Thyroid may be a small, butterfly-shaped gland, but it takes part in a number of processes in the body. The function of the thyroid gland is influenced by many factors including hormones. One of our previous articles discussed the link between estrogen and thyroid health, but in this post, we ...


Most people drink alcohol at one point or another. Sometimes you have a drink or two to relax after long day at work, maybe you only drink when celebrating anniversaries, birthdays, or promotions. However, it’s not uncommon for people to engage in binge-drinking sessions more often than they’d ...


Hormones are chemical messengers and a part of the body’s endocrine system. Endocrine glands produce hormones which, then, travel through the bloodstream to tissues and organs to control or take part in many processes that occur in a human body. Our body secretes more than 50 hormones and ...


We have already examined how minerals affect the thyroid. In that article, we also glossed over Iron, but we did not really expand on it with detail. Let’s do that. Iron is a mineral your body needs to function properly. All cells in the body contain iron, but it is most prevalent in red ...


Stress is vital for our survival; it is the body’s natural defense against danger and predators. Stress flushes your body with hormones that activate the “fight-or-flight” mechanism. When we deal with stressful situations and challenges in everyday life, a part of our response to that ...