Tag: mineral

Discovered many years ago, carnitine has earned a lot of respect since its initial discovery, with more and more beneficial effects being added to the already long list that exists. Today, while we will also list some of the most influential effects and functions of carnitine in the human body, ...


Vitamin K and Thyroid Health Our thyroid gland is an important body organ that takes part in maintaining multiple body functions. Multiple vitamins and nutrients are necessary for a healthy thyroid to function properly. One of these nutrients is Vitamin K. While relationship between Vitamin K ...


Green tea is considered one of the healthiest beverages in the world. The amazing health benefits it provides make green tea a common ingredient in dietary supplements too. People drink the tea or use supplements that contain it for a wide range of reasons. Some people drink tea to support ...


Thyroid may be a small, butterfly-shaped gland, but it takes part in a number of processes in the body. The function of the thyroid gland is influenced by many factors including hormones. One of our previous articles discussed the link between estrogen and thyroid health, but in this post, we ...


The thyroid gland produces three hormones that affect growth, metabolism, and cellular differentiation. Two are most notable: thyroxine and triiodothyronine, deficiencies of which can lead to hypothyroidism, while excesses of such can lead to hyperthyroidism. (Click here if none of those terms ...


What you always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask or too busy to search. A lot of people have been asking and inquiring about the thyroid and some related terms that are often too short to merit its own article (as you know if you visit this site often, I often like to write very long ...


Zinc is an essential trace element present within all bodily tissue and of huge importance for healthy cell division. Benefits of zinc are numerous: from establishing hormonal balance in the body to stronger immunity. In addition, zinc is responsible for a number of functions in the human ...


How does Copper work? We all love copper, don’t we? Copper looks great in the kitchen with a variety of cups and pots, but it is also great for the body as well. Copper is a very important element that provides people with a healthy lifestyle. Primarily, this mineral helps with the process of the ...


The thyroid is connected with the development and building function of the human body. Without this important gland, the body would have trouble regulating all the important connections inside each human cavity. Furthermore, a person’s health would struggle to exist without the thyroid gland. The ...