Thyroid Brain Fog

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Do you ever feel like you are in the fog mentally?

It is like your mind is in the clouds, and you can’t remember easy information to process through.

This could be a warning sign for a thyroid gland issue. A poorly monitored thyroid, leading to hypothyroidism, could have negative effects on the brain.

What is the thyroid?

The thyroid is a gland, that is small in nature, and shaped like a butterfly just under the Adam’s Apple.

Even though it is a tiny gland, it is very important in the growth and development of the human body.

Every day, the gland tells you how your body is feeling.

Among other things, the thyroid is in control of your metabolic state and how quickly you are able to process food.

In other words, the gland is like a fuel pump in a car. If the pump is not working, then the engine will not start in the vehicle.

If the pump is overworking, the gasoline will run too quickly because the engine will burn it all up.

The thyroid gland works in the same way. Thyroid issues more commonly happen among females rather than males, with 15 percent of women dealing with an under-active thyroid.

What is ‘brain fog’ like?

Brain fog is something that everyone on the planet will experience at one time or another in life.

Factors that may bring about brain fog at a high rate include illness, sleep deprivation, being pregnant, inflammation, an auto-immune disease, and added stress.

Furthermore, if you are not meeting nutritional recommendations, like carbohydrate intake, this could cause brain fog as well.

Brain fog’s clinical name is actually called Critical Mood Deterioration or CMD, and is thought of as a great mental health issue stemming from a thyroid that is under-active.

Over time, because of a lack of hormone production from the thyroid, neurological issues begin to arise. As the deficiency begins to slow neurological functioning in the body, it also creates a chemical imbalance leading to things like depression, low self-esteem, and slower mental reactions.

If this is not diagnosed, the symptoms will only worsen.

What transpires when brain fog occurs?

When brain fog occurs in the body, there is actually a misfire happening with the neurotransmitters.

This leads to forgetting things, or feeling like you are in a mental fog. These symptoms can be a very serious alert to a potentially unwanted situation.

As stated earlier, stress can trigger this reaction from happening. But, how can people know the difference between just a stressful situation, or something more?

Brain fog can signal something in the body that may need to be addressed, other than a thyroid issue, like menopause and adrenal failure. Even medical professionals, at a rate of 5 percent, do not catch the correlation of a thyroid issue and brain fog together.

Brain fog can have varying effects. Depending on T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) hormones, which are created by the thyroid, brain function can be helped or hindered by their assistance. In some cases, brain fog can impact a person’s ability to work.

For example, brain fog could look like a person reading something over and over again, but they can’t comprehend what is being stated.

Other personal experiences from people with hypothyroidism and brain fog show the issues progress slowly.

First, it may start as short-term memory loss that continues to be annoying for a few months.

At some point, a doctor needs to be notified of this issue. They may do some blood work, and find that everything is normal.

This may be frustrating for a patient, but they must stay the course of documenting their issues. Over time, the problem may continue to persist and even worsen.

Other symptoms may include not being able to focus enough to answer a question someone is asking of you.

This may prove a direct disconnect between the brain and the auditory system in the body, a condition although very rare, is still possible and may be the cause of your discomforts.

If problems persist, a CT scan may be taken to see if a tumor is causing the symptoms in the body.

Another test may be to take a red blood count to see if the numbers are slightly lower than normal. If they are, a doctor will probably recommend iron intake for the next week to see if this helps the situation. It might feel like a light has switched back on in your brain if the iron works, and you may feel normal again.

Furthermore, you may not be experiencing concentration issues or short-term memory loss anymore. Unfortunately, it is not that easy for every patient to figure out where the brain fog is coming from, even if you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism.

Treatment Options

Unfortunately, brain fog is not usually something that can be treated by just taking some over-the-counter drugs.

Anti-depressants are not enough in counteracting this imbalance. Medical professionals need to look carefully at the thyroid disorder, as a whole, to find a solution to this problem.

Seeing mental effects with a patient should be a warning sign for some sort of thyroid condition.

But, it is quite difficult for doctors to diagnose thyroid issues early, so a blood test might not even tell the entire story. Unfortunately, a lot of treatments actually do not help patients feel better mentally or physically right away.

But, find a doctor that listens to your concerns when it comes to a thyroid issue, if you believe you may be affected with brain fog, or something more.

Don’t hesitate to keep pushing your doctor if you continue to see the same symptoms over and over again.

A complete thyroid evaluation may be needed, and/or an evaluation of your iron levels to see if you may need to take a supplement along with a change in, or a new, thyroid medication, if you have already be diagnosed. More than anything, educate yourself.

Who knows? You may come across something that is paramount to your health or to the health of others around you.

Because the solution for brain fog is not a catch all, doctors may need to investigate more than just adding iron to a patients diet.

Depression may need to be treated with therapy and/or medication, which could help dissipate brain fog. Visa versa, a patient may already be on an anti-depressant and may need to stop taking the medication to see if that will help with brain fog.

Sometimes, a correct thyroid medication like Synthroid or Armour Thyroid, for someone with hypothyroidism, may not only help the thyroid disorder, but the depression as well. Other options may include supplements for Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and/or ferritin to help in the fight against brain fog.

Tips to try on your own

If you would rather work on this problem first before you go to a medical professional, consider changing your dieting habits.

Make sure you are getting the right amount of vitamins, minerals, and general nutrients. Supplements can may in this regard. Bone broth is another choice as well since it has a lot of beneficial minerals and vitamins. Secondly, try using a probiotic, which will help your stomach digest more effectively and efficiently.

How about going gluten-free? Gluten products can wage a war, if your body can’t handle the substance. See how much better your body feels.

Next, make sure to sleep more. If you do not get enough sleep, you could gain unwanted weight, feel depressed, and could deal with some serious health problems like a stroke and/or diabetes. Try setting a sleep schedule for yourself and abide by it religiously.

Hopefully these potential treatments and solutions will help you get rid of brain fog.

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